لعبة رحلة سفارى
وفى هذة اللعبة اتيحت لك فرصة الذهاب الى رحلة سفارى فعليك التقاط صور للمناظر الجميلة المدهشة وحل الألغاز التى ستراها اثناء رحلة السفارى .
Extreme Safari
In the Extreme Safari game your mission is to photograph mythical beasts such as the Yeti and the Loch Ness Monster. In order to find them you must journey to the four corners of the world, while exploring amazing landscapes and solving puzzles. Enjoy this great free online game.
Instructions: Platform mode – Use the arrow keys to run and jump. SPACE bar activates items, throws switches etc.
Camera mode – pan across using LEFT and RIGHT, zoom in and out using UP and DOWN. SPACE to take a photo.
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